here's a super hot picture of tom petty and his hot bandmates. it is good that only everyone else in this pic is now bald but tom has a full head of hair.
i then learned that pigs, b/c they have a great olfactory sense, can sniff out yams buried underground. they dig them up and devour them. they can also sniff out this treasured shroom that farmers can sell for big bucks. farmers would let the pigs smell for the shrooms but kick them aside just in time to shovel out the shrooms for a profit.
my pops told me back in the old country you could opt to buy either 1 bag of rice or 5 bags of yams each month. some people would choose the yams b/c there was more to go around. eating a yam is like biking - both are privileges now but they were rather ordinary back in the day.
i've always had a soft spot for gold univega bikes. i have a similar univega - his name is eggplant. i've been debating whether to make him into a fixie for years. should i?
he is a bit cheesy to some people but al gore is probs one of my favorite people in the world. i enjoy seeing him in action more than even maybe jim hansen. i remember when we went to hear him speak in DC one summer - felt like i was seeing robert smith at coachella. he's such a passionate man - nothing is more attractive. plus he's super hot regardless. he's probably done more for americans (we're unfortunately the least educated people of the western world) than the past 3 presidents (including the current dumbass) combined.
i feel like if i were still in school we'd be talking about copenhagen all day. instead i haven't heard a single mention of it others than just from reading the news. dear k, we're so out of tune now that we're living in the real world i just want to go back to class and hear everyone talk again and grab a sprout sandwich at the co-op afterwards.
it seems there's been a load of talk - from everyone who's anyone - and nothing else. it'd be really sad for copenhagen to be just another agenda21 or the sort.