
29 September 2008

finest man alive or finest man alive?

he's so fine the only flaw on his body is that stain on his blazer

27 September 2008

a Saturday-

morning fantasy of __
three forms of chocolate scanned by c. who has penetrating eyes
his house
m. and other people I should know
spice jars
locked gates
swamped lady
pierced nipples etc
baking powder
an island spell understanding
an unhappy cat lady

26 September 2008

Castaneda was a fraud and also a bodhisattva

This morning at 6:30a when I was picked up for work at Hollister and Modoc I decided to stop by Java Station on the bike ride home. because I decided this so early in the day it was in my mind the whole time and made the day never end. it was very hot under the new dark tarp and during my mandatory breaks I sprawled in the folding chair and daydream-slept.

I had thought the day would be lovely because I had not been around certain lovely coworkers for a week, but mostly because the first song on Morning Becomes Eclectic was "Dear Prudence". but then the radio degraded into dizzying and yet, paradoxically, extremely dull yammering about presidential politics and WAMU collapsing. and that was the end of magic.

Finally it was time to leave and after Friday rush hour traffic we made it back and my bike was not stolen. I walked it to Java Station and got an iced coffee from the attractive, competent, professional barista. I collapsed into a mustard velvet chair. I stirred my drink and felt amazing for a moment as I reopened A Separate Reality (Carlos Castaneda, 1971).

I read and sipped slowly. It reminded me of some things I already know, and as I biked home I smiled at the growing pulsing trees with the not-so-secret knowledge that everything exists instantly and no longer.
Oh Canada!

25 September 2008

in captivity

i spotted a large snail in my compost bucket today. i looked at him and he looked at me. it was strange to see him there. he probs thought that he had really landed somewhere. but it is really just a hot bucket.

case in point - i dislike living in los angeles. there is no way to get around on my bicycle. i think that i will make a trip to santa barbara this weekend. i have lived a full 2 weeks sans the co-op.